Welcome to Authipay
How does it all work?
In order to accept payments online you will need:

Merchant Account
A merchant account enables you to process credit cards and debit cards through point of sale terminals, virtual terminals or online through a gateway. To apply for an account click here >

In order to accept payments online you’ll need a functioning website. A good web developer will accommodate in implementing this.

Shopping Cart
A shopping cart provides your customers with a convenient checkout method. You will need to ensure your chosen shopping cart can be integrated with Authipay.

Payment Gateway
A gateway is just one element of an eCommerce site that allows you to accept and process credit cards, debit cards and other forms of payment online.

Security Certificate
In order to accept credit cards and debit cards online you’ll need to ensure your third party providers that have access to cardholder information are PCI DSS compliant (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard). You will need to certify that your site meets these requirements.